Stories to Inspire: Weekly Giveaway Nominations from You

Every Friday, we’re giving away one gift box to someone nominated by you: a favorite healthcare worker on the frontlines, a weary parent navigating a new home life, or someone making waves in your community right now.

We've been so encouraged by the nominations we’ve received, so we wanted to share a few of the stories that inspired us with you! To keep things private, we’ve left out identifying information like names, businesses or specific hospitals, and have been given permission to share these stories from their nominees.

We hope these bring light, hope and encouragement to you, as they did to us.


“My sister is a single mom who just started at a clinic two weeks ago. She was informed this week her clinic will be converted to house COVID-19 cases. On top of changing careers from massage therapy to nursing, starting a new job she’s now navigating what it means to be a teacher as she homeschools her 3rd grader. She continues to amaze me in her strength to still show up. I hope you’ll consider selecting this young mama to remind her the choice to serve others is recognized by many.”


“She is a 5th grade teacher who devotes her entire life to her kids and has since day one. She often would stay late, come in early and her entire paycheck goes to cool things like reading nooks with comfy bean bags and pretty lights. She works in a school that has many children that are under the poverty line. When schools shut down due to COVID-19, she had to re-create her entire syllabus online. She continues to devote all of her time to her children, even from afar. In fact, she is emailing students all day long about anything they want to talk about. She talks with parents, walks them through things and is overall an amazing soul. Not to mention, she is 3 months pregnant and doing this all while suffering horrible morning sickness. She is one of the most amazing people I know and she is the best sister in the world.”


“She works for a small fitness studio as their studio manager and instructor. During this very uncertain time she’s navigated a way to bring fitness into people’s homes. It’s a small bright spot in my, and so many others, day when we get to log on and see her smiling face as she guides us through yoga and quiet meditation. It’s good for the soul and mental health right now and I’m so grateful she’s worked hard to make that happen for so many people that need a little sense of normalcy.”



Know someone who deserves a little love + recognition?

We’ll choose one winner each week through at least the end of April, so keep your nominations coming!

Make your nomination right here!

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