Meet the Maker: Duluth Coffee Co

We're in the middle of an ongoing meet n' greet with the incredible makers who fill our boxes. And we can't wait to introduce you to the next maker in our series!

Meet Eric, founder of a local favorite: Duluth Coffee Company. Keep reading to find out how this beloved cafe & roastery began, what inspires them, and a peek into their process.


1. Tell us a little bit about your story! How did you get started?

Eric Faust founded Duluth Coffee Company in 2012. He began his boutique roastery with a 12kilo machine and a small cafe in Downtown Duluth. Eric's passion for coffee and connections grew a loyal following, which enabled him to expand to a full production roastery. He has now traveled across the world to meet with coffee producers. Today, the small business operates on a large scale. We are farmer focused, offering single origin coffees from specific regions or producers. Our mission is to source, roast and craft coffee with intentionality and integrity.

2. What do you love about the medium you work in?

We have a passion for coffee, because of its connection to people. It's our vehicle to improve the lives of people from origin to cup.


3. If you could offer any advice to other creatives who are just starting out, what would you say?

Our advice to anyone in the world of coffee, "Go to the origin! Get to know the people and process behind your coffee."


Follow along with Duluth Coffee Company right here!

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